5 Reasons Why Every Business Should Invest in Website Copy

Are you about to invest in a new website? Good for you! A bad website can be the root of a variety of marketing problems like low conversions and poor branding. Your website is your salesperson who works around the clock, all year ‘round to help people find your business and become paying customers. (Which is why you should get your website through a trustworthy company.)
Looking for a website company that takes the time to get to know the needs and wants for your unique business? Contact Oozle Media!
However, there is one mistake that you may intend on making without realizing it.
A New Website Optimized to Convert and Copy That Kills It
Website copy is just as important as your new website’s design and development. While you may think that hiring your niece, neighbor, or even yourself as a copywriter is a quick, cost-effective route, we’re going to tell you that you should just throw your money out the window if that’s your plan.
What Great Copy Does?
Copy is an investment not a useless expenditure. When you invest in something it means you’ll be getting a return out of it later. To understand the importance of finding the write professional copywriter for your website, let’s explore what great copy brings to the table when it comes to your website’s effectiveness.
Great Copy Tells Your Story
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek
Here at Oozle Media, we take Sinek’s words of wisdom seriously. When we think of copywriting, we know it has to tell the right story because that’s what people want. People want to connect.
You love your business, you love what you do, and you want to help others have the best experience with your business as possible. To reach the right audience with the right story, you have to convey the reason why you’re doing your business the way that they want business to be done.
You want your marketing to function, fundamentally, like this:
Your audience should be heading toward a sale or conversion, and your story should resonate enough with them to convince them that you’re the right company for the job.
Copy that is written well tells the story of your business and why you do it accurately. In addition to accuracy, SEO optimization, and conversion optimization are key elements in copy that gets the job done.
Great Copy Helps You in Search
Copy that is optimized with relevant keywords and accurate information helps you in organic search. If you’re a plumber, you’re going to want copy on your site that tells your customers what services you offer and how you can best help them. These two ideas would not be well conveyed without keywords like “plumbing services” or “sink repair”.
Well-written copy is created with keyword optimization in mind. Carefully chosen groups of keywords are used strategically throughout the page (not too often and not too sparingly). Your business processes and goals are conveyed with accuracy and truthfulness. All of these things combined make people want to do business with you and interact with your site.
When people interact and respond well with your site, your site naturally rises in rankings. That means you can be better found in search for the terms you want to rank for the most.
Great Copy Lasts
There’s a reason that copy is called copy and not content. Copy is evergreen. That means that whatever you’re writing will stay true for months to come. You won’t have to constantly update it. Really, the only time it changes is if you add or remove services from your offerings.
Being able to maintain a consistent with your copy is beneficial in a few ways:
- You don’t have to pay to have it updated or keep updating it yourself.
- You won’t be viewed as out of date or irrelevant.
- Customers will consistently know who you are, what you offer, and how to get in touch with you.
- Your site will tell the same story and target the same keywords over time, meaning you’ve got more time to build an authority on your chosen topics or topics.
(It’s important to remember that while copy should remain the same for a longer period of time, content, like blog posts, should be updated periodically.)
5 Reasons Why Every Business Should Invest in Website Copy
Reason 1: You Won’t Have to Pay for It Later
Do it right the first time. If you don’t invest in a professional who knows what they’re doing when it comes to site copywriting, you could end up paying for it later, literally! Poorly executed copy may be disappointing, inaccurate, or even offensive to you and your business. That means you’ll be unhappy with the copy you have until you can afford to pay for another round of writing from a new writer.
Another way you may end up paying is in penalties. You may not realize it, but the copy provided to you by an inexperienced writer may have been plagiarized, written outside of technical writing guidelines, or even created outside of Google’s guidelines for quality copy. This may result in legal issues, tough to read copy, and even penalties from Google that makes it hard for your site to rank online. (Pro tip: you don’t want to experience any of these things!)
Reason 2: You’ll Sound Professional & Authoritative
You’re a business owner. It’s likely that, while you’re a pro in your field, you’re not an expert writer. That’s OK! You don’t have to be. You can hire someone whose job it is to BE an expert writer. By hiring a copywriter with experience and a great track record, you’ll feel more safe and comfortable in knowing that your site will make you look and sound like someone who knows what they’re talking about.
In addition to sounding good, well-written copy allows you to position yourself as an authority. No one is going to trust or believe a business with a site that is full of typos, spelling errors, and incomplete thoughts.
Reason 3: You Won’t Have to Worry About It
It can be stressful trying to figure out what to write or what direction to give an inexperienced writer. Professional, well-trained writers will come to you with knowledge, information, and suggestions that can help advise you on what to do.
Your role as the business owner should be to be the expert in your field. Provide industry related information, resources that you trust, and sometimes the occasional image. Otherwise, your content writer should be able to do research and write copy that serves your purposes. Don’t put the worry of writing content on your plate!
Reason 4: You Get the Whole Package
The right writer should come with a well-rounded, holistic skill set. Here are a few things to look for on a resume:
- SEO writing experience.
- Background in writing for your type of business.
- Background in writing for the web.
- Technical writing experience.
- Creative writing experience.
- Research and analytical skills.
The writer you’re looking for comes with all of these skills. If whoever you’re looking at only has one or two of these, we highly suggest you explore other options. Your copy should be well-balanced, and it can be hard to achieve that without knowing what you’re missing.
Reason 5: Because If You Don’t, You’re Wasting Your Marketing Money
It’s time for some straight honesty: if you’re investing in marketing in the form of a new website, Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, social media advertising, or any other type of online asset or advertisement, ALWAYS INVEST IN A WRITER TOO!
Your other marketing efforts can quickly become less effective or completely ineffective with bad website copy. Why? Because social media ads, social media profiles, PPC ads, and other forms of advertising all lead back to your website. If the copy on your website is bad, then all the money you spent getting someone to visit your site is gone when that person leaves.
Don’t Make a Poor Investment! Contact Oozle Media
Oozle Media has a team of trained professional copywriters who are eager to get to know your business. Whether you’re a plumber, local Utah business, dentist, or post-secondary school, our team is eager to get to know you and your story. Contact us today for a custom quote on site copywriting!