Revenge of the Fifth: The Force is Strong with ‘May the Fourth’ Marketing

As you probably know, May 4th is known as “Star Wars Day” and people were inundating social feeds with the hashtag #MaytheFourthBeWithYou. As expected, Star Wars fans participated on “May the 4th” with fun memes, cosplay action videos, and comments filled with quotes and references from the uber popular sci-fi/fantasy movies.
Digital marketers, including Oozle, got in on the action too with Star Wars themed posts of our own. In honor of today’s less well-known “Revenge of the 5th” (May 5th) trend, we’ve put together a list of the marketers who used the force for some interstellar May the 4th marketing. Because, what true fans would we really be without a sequel to our blog yesterday?
Check out our list below and tell us your favorites!
Falcon Shocks and its partner, TeraFlex, shared these gorgeous, glowing posts on their Instagram and Facebook feeds.
NBA teams are caught up in the playoffs, but took time to share the force. This color-coordinated post from the Celtics is a game-winner!
Popular Youtuber, Sean Charmatz, gave the signal for Star Wars fans to cross the galaxy.
Parents everywhere were sharing pics of their little Jedi Masters, but this one from The Bump, is how marketing wars are won:
What a trooper! Wedding experts from The Knot shared this photo of a bride and her stormtrooper escorts on her May 4th wedding day. What a fun way to connect with fans, highlighting the importance of selecting a wedding date.
Disney, who owns the rights to the Star Wars franchise, made this fun quiz to find out which galactic duo you and your best friend would be.
Even Emeryville Marina in Oakland even played hide and seek with this post of AT-ATs hiding in plain sight.
And of course, we have to share this shout-out we received on Twitter from Matt Cutts:
I feel like 20 years from now, people will still sometimes send me Matt Cutts + SEO photoshops.
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) May 5, 2017
Honorable Mention – Okay, so Jimmy Fallon is not a marketer, but this video of Star Wars characters singing “All Star” by Smash Mouth became an instant social classic for light years to come.