Thank you so much for coming and spending 20 minutes with me. I’m used to doing an hour-long, so the 20 minutes, I’m not going to go over. I promise. Let’s get started. I’m going to kill the music. I swear. Oh, we’re looking at the band. All right, it’s done. Okay. Here we go.
All right. I’m going to talk really fast today. Again, really limited time about personality types. You guys do things for certain reasons. I’m going to tell you a little secret. If you read the description for my class, you’ll know… Oh, look at this. All these people are saying, hi. I love this. Woo hoo. I love that. Thank you for the “Woo hoo”. You’ll know that, if you looked at my description, I talked about in there, who it is that’s in your schools.
Let me give you a secret. They’re all blues. 75% of the people, the students that come in, and employees into your school, are Blue.
You’re like, “Rob, what is a Blue?” If you haven’t read The Color Code, I didn’t write it, I’m not nearly that smart. Oh, look at this here. Like, “I’m a Blue, too.” Heck yes, you’re a blue. Blues make life amazing. Blues are one of my favorites. I used to work in another industry, and they were great. Don’t get me wrong.
But it was full of a lot of Reds and a lot of Yellows. Yellows are a ball, Reds are great, but Blues are the best, and I’ll tell you why. Everybody’s motivated to do different things for different reasons. Right? If you look at why you do things, let me give you a little insight to you.
A Red does things out of logic and numbers and stats. If you’re ever arguing with a Red, you just bring up a bunch of stats, and often they’ll just be like, “Okay, fine. You’re right. You take care of it,” and they move along. Right?
A Blue is motivated by emotion, and thought, and feeling. It’s emotional. It’s not even as much about getting things done, as it is about how I feel about it when it’s done or in the middle of it. That’s a Blue. Blues are emotionally motivated. They think about it. These are the people, by the way, and I know I’m speaking to a lot of you right here. I got 259 people right now going, “Rob, you’re speaking to me. Listen to me,” tell me if I speak to you right here.
You sometimes have interactions with people and then you go home and you think about that interaction.
You’re like, “Oh my gosh, they said this, and then I said that. I shouldn’t have said that. I probably hurt their feelings. I got to text them.” At one in the morning, you’ve got the text all written up and you’re like, “I won’t push send right now, but I’m sending it out in the morning because I’m worried about it.” A Red goes to bed perfectly, unless their numbers suck. Then they’re like, “Ah, crap. My numbers suck. The business is going down.” They put in extra hours. Okay. These Blues think about things like this. Now, there’s two other colors, because there’s four colors.
White is the peacemaker. They will do everything they can to avoid confrontation. They’re sitting there going, “I will do whatever I need to.” They will hide in a closet if it means that someone that’s mad at them or they’ve upset, they don’t have to confront them. They don’t have to talk about it.
I did a training yesterday with a White. It was so funny. They were sitting there over in the corner, their manager, and I had to confront one of the employees, in a beautiful, wonderful, kind way, of course. You could see the sweat dripping from her palms. She had to avoid confrontation at all costs. I looked at her and I said, “You have to avoid confrontation, don’t you, at all costs?” And she said, “Yes. In fact, what you’re doing is confronting, and I didn’t want to talk about it.” Perfect.
Here’s the last color, is Yellow. Yellow is motivated by fun. They’re made of my fun. They only think about things are fun. These are the people who go, “Hey, what are you doing later this week?” And you’re like, “I don’t know.” If you’re a Blue, you’re like, “I don’t know,” but you don’t want to turn them down. “I don’t know. Why, what’s going on?” They’re like, “Well, I was just thinking about maybe doing something fun,” and you are thinking, maybe they’re talking about going to get a drink, go and get a hot cocoa. They’re not. They go, “Why? What, what do you got planned?” They’re going, “I was thinking about maybe booking a trip to France and backpacking for a month. What do you think? Are you down? I’m probably leaving tomorrow. This afternoon, maybe, too. Depends on whatever flight’s cheaper.” This is a Yellow. They do things out of fun. Everything’s motivated by fun.
What I want you to understand, is everybody’s different, and it’s what makes life wonderful. Your people coming into your schools are Blues. Let me tell you what to do with Blues, and let me tell you what not to do with Blues.
By the way, I’m going to do a whole hour to an hour, 15 minute training on this. We’re going to have a whole mastermind at the end of May. Our next mastermind is on April 28th, from 1:00 to 2:30. We’re going to talk about validation, how to validate people as they speak. How to listen and show that you’re listening, and prove that you’re listening. This goes really hand in hand with Blues. If you want to be a part of that, please, oh, please. I’m going to put my email right now. My assistant, actually, her email in the chat, everybody look at the chat really fast. That is the email. If you want to be a part of that mastermind, send us your info. That’s about an hour, hour and a half, validation training at the end of this month. Then Color Code training at the end of May.
With Blues, allow them first to collect their thoughts. These are the dudes, let them collect their thoughts. Don’t push them, okay?
Two, take a sensitive approach. Emotion is more important than logic and efficiency. If you’re just trying to get something done, and you think you’re going to run over a Blue, understand it’s not going to work. They’re going to resent you for it. They’re going to hate you for it. Stop doing it. You’ve got to think things through. You got to approach with diplomacy. You can’t come in with a bat and think you’re going to get what you want.
Next, number three. Demonstrate your sincerity. Here’s the big trick to a Blue. If you’re insincere and you think you’re going to get away with anything, a Blue can sniff it out.
See this huge nose? I got a huge nose. You’d think I was a Blue. I’m not. I’m a bright, fluorescent Red. Blues, they sniff things out from a mile away. If you’re being insincere, they see it. They feel it. They understand it, and they resent you for it. Don’t lie to a Blue. Don’t try to say things just to make friends with a Blue and not be sincere. They can see it, and they will hate you for it.
Demonstrate your sincerity. How do you demonstrate your sincerity? Well, one of the ways is that you validate as they speak. Blues love to be listened to understood and loved. If you can love them, intimacy is so important. If you can genuinely love them, you’ll get along with the Blue every time.
Demonstrate it by really listening to what they’re saying. Don’t be off in Lala land and then go, “Okay. Anyway, here’s what the school is, here’s what it costs, and here’s what it is. I’d like to have you in for a tour.” Oh, you just blew it. “I’m shocked. Rob, I have a 40% no-show rate. How did that happen?” You’re not listening to your Blues. It’s your fault. It’s on you. You did it all. You’re going to hell. All right.
Next, help them feel secure in their relationship. Blues need to feel secure in their relationship. In other words, don’t make them think that you don’t care. Don’t ever give them any reason to feel you don’t trust them. Make them feel secure in their relationship.
Next one, promote their creative efforts and ambitions. This is why I left the other industry years and years and years ago when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. I left that industry because I just didn’t like this part. There’s no creative in it. Our Blues are creative. That’s why they’re attracted to this industry, is because they’re feeling and they’re creative. They’re full of texture. They are interesting. All right, so next one. I know I’m speaking fast because I got limited time here.
All right. Be loyal. This is the next one, is be loyal. Blues are naturally loyal. They will bend over backwards to be loyal to you. You have to show the loyalty back. If you stab a Blue in the back or even poke them with a pen in the back, you’re not… Blues hold grudges. If you think you’re just going to be like, “Oh, I’ll just go say, sorry.” No. They’re going to be thinking about interaction when they’re like, “Okay, well, no, that’s okay. Don’t do it again.” They don’t want to hurt your feelings, but remember, Blues are power people. They’ll figure out ways to just get around you if they don’t like you.
The second that you show disloyalty to them, immediately, they don’t care.
By the way, I’m playing The Incredibles in the background. That’s because it’s Chris’s favorite Disney, first of all. Second of all, it’s cool because everybody has their own little special powers. Each color has their special powers. It goes with The Incredibles in the back, so that’s why I’m doing that in the back. If it’s a little distracting to you, it brings some fun. Next one. Be loyal.
Here’s some ideas of what not to do. Don’t ever make a Blue feel guilty. When you have your leads come in, or view yourself as a Blue, or you’re working with Blues because again, the majority of people in our industry are Blue. Don’t make them feel guilty. Guilt is not a great motivator for a Blue. If you think you’re going to make them feel guilty and get what you want out of them, just know they don’t like you anymore. That’s why they don’t return your calls. Okay. It doesn’t work.
Number two, don’t do with a Blue, don’t be rude or abrupt. Again, we’re going to talk about all of these things in my Color Code class in May. I say Color Code, just talking about different personality types, using the Color Code. If you haven’t read this book by the way, go out and buy it. I have nothing to do with it. I love it. It’s brilliant. It’s called The Color Code. Don’t be rude or abrupt with a blue. Don’t cut them off and be like, “Yeah, anyway, I don’t have time for you.”
If you’re a Red, you’re going to want to do that, because Blues want to feel things and you’re sitting there going, “I don’t get time for this. This is a waste of my… Anyway, let’s move forward.” No, don’t do that. Reds. Slow down, shut up. Reds and Blues are power colors who always… You’re going to fight for, to who’s in charge.
The Whites and the Yellows often will let you be in charge, but really your Blues and Reds are going to push Red, be careful. Don’t be abrupt or rude. If you promote too much change with a Blue.
Oh, someone just asked, sorry. I’m seeing out of the corner of my eye, the chat. It’s called The Color Code. They actually change it later. The updated version is The People Code. It’s a great book. There’s a million books about personality types, this is just one of my favorites. The Color Code or The People Code.
Don’t promote too much change too fast. Blues, typically, don’t like too much change too fast. They want to get in a rhythm, understand the rhythm, and be able to predict it. Don’t expect spontaneity with Blues. They’re just not interested in it. “You want to go backpacking in France for a month? We’re going to have one change of clothes. It’s going to be great. So fun. I don’t even know how we’re getting there.” That’s the Yellow, right?
And the Blue’s like, “Wait, what are we doing? We’re not doing that. We’re not doing that. That’s a good two years out if we’re going to Ireland. If we’re going to France, we’re going to get on trains. We’re going to live in hostels. I don’t think I can do that, and besides, I got to think about it. Got to pray about it. I’ll get back to you.” Be careful. Don’t expect too much spontaneity.
Don’t abandon Blues just because they don’t forgive. Eventually, they will. Don’t abandon them. Don’t give up on them. The Blues that are calling you, sometimes they do get their feelings hurt. By the way, they get overwhelmed pretty quick, too.
If I’m sitting here speaking to you, by the way, if as what I’m saying to you, you’re going, “Man, this is me.” You are not alone.
If you are going, “This is stupid. Rob doesn’t know what he is talking about. Does anybody act like this?” You’re a red.
If you’re sitting there going, “Interesting. There’s lots of different people in this world. It takes all parts.” You’re probably a white.
If you have to have a fidget toy right now, and you’re thinking what you’re going to be doing later and what’s for lunch or that you shouldn’t have eaten that Chinese food for lunch, you’re a Yellow. If you’re planning at what you’re going to do tonight, again, good chance you’re a Yellow. This is how all the colors work together. It’s so much fun.
Keep going here. What’s not to do with a Blue. Don’t expect them to bounce back easily, especially from depressive modes. Blues oftentimes will get down, and they sort of get sad for a little while, and that’s okay. We all do, but you’re going to see it more in a Blue. Our leads, the people who are calling us, this is often what’s going on.
They’re going up and down, and often they stay a little bit more down than some of the other colors. Reds will do it, but that manifests in a little bit more anger and frustration than does a Blue. A Yellow does too, but again, a Yellow usually pops out of it a little quicker. So, be careful with that.
All right. Expect them. We talked about that. I’m looking at my checklist. Expect them to forgive quickly when crossed. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Demand immediate action or quick verbal bantering. This is a tough one because that’s what I want on the phone. I want them to be able to communicate with me and have a good conversation.
Here’s the deal with the Blues, though. The Blues don’t want fake bantering. They want something real. They want something tangible. They want to share a thought and a feeling and they want you to know they’re listening. That’s why we’re doing the validation mastermind on the 28th. Whatever that is, next week or whatever. We’re going to talk about that. How to validate, because this is so important to a Blue.
You have to validate them. If you are demanding quick verbal interaction and bantering and it’s Styrofoam conversation, they’re not interested in it. They don’t want it.
By the way, neither does the Red. The Red really will get you. Can I warn you, by the way, and I say this on my videos. I have videos on all this training and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Self-promotion, self-promotion.
Okay. In one of my videos, we talk about this. Families, parents, specifically dads, will call in and they’ll be a fake Red. What do I mean by fake Red? Well, here’s what they do. They call in and they push and they push and they push and they act so like, “Well, I’m going to need all these stats, and I’m going to need a price, and I’m going to.”
They just sort of act like, “I need this, and if you don’t give it to me, I’m going to obviously come over there and smack you around.” Stop, stop. They’re a fake Red. Start asking them questions about their child, and they’ll soften right up into their most likely Blue. If mom or dad’s Blue, often baby bear’s Blue, too. Not always, but often. Again, not always, but often.
I want you to understand is just because somebody acts like a Red does not mean you need to treat them like a Red.
Maybe you do for half-second. “We can play this game. We’ll do this little fake dance about you being Red for a minute. Then what I’m going to do is ask about your baby bear. What their passions are, why they want to do want to do.” That mama bear, that Papa bear goes, “Oh, I’m so glad someone cares. I don’t know. I’m not sure. I’m a nurse, and she just wants to cut… I was thinking she could go into nursing, he would be a great… They don’t want to. They just want to be creative.” Yes, they do want to be creative. That’s amazing. You will soften them up by asking about their baby.
Again, we have videos on this. Very helpful, and in the videos, I’m wearing a blue shirt. Ugliest blue shirt you ever saw. Huge mistake. Chris should have stopped me, and he didn’t. That’s why we really aren’t friends anymore. If we are, it’s pretend. He doesn’t listen to any of what I’m saying right now. Don’t tell him I said that.
Either way, the Blues are the best color, you guys. You’re so lucky to work in an industry, by the way, that you deal with people that are so full of texture, that they’re so full of emotion. This is what makes life interesting. If everybody’s a Red, everybody just fights until there’s one person left, because they just kill each other.
Blues are the people who slow down and listen, and love, and care.
Again, Yellows are amazing, too. Yellows, by the way, and I say this in my videos if you’re doing group tours, Yellows are who you want, right? You look at your tour, you got six people in front of you. The Red’s up front asking questions and taking notes. They’re like, “Really? Okay, so if I was, let’s say one day late or one hour late, what would happen to me? Just wondering. Asking for a friend,” writing it down, right? That’s a Red.
A White is sitting quietly in the back of the group, and they’re listening. By the way, if you have a White and they ask a question, shut your mouth and listen to their question because it’s well thought through. Whites are often the most intelligent. They present themselves as most intelligent too, because they haven’t said anything. They wait until they gather all of the information, and then they ask a question. Whites are amazing. Whites are, they process information, and they just sit and they talk. Always share your ideas with Whites. Whites will sit and listen, and when they do give an opinion, don’t talk. Listen carefully, because it’s probably well thought out.
Your Blues, by the way, they may be crying in the back. They may not have shown up because they were late. I’ll get to the Yellows in a second, but Blues in a group tour are awesome. They may be upfront. They may be in the middle, but they’re always asking questions, and typically those questions are revolved around emotion.
Yellows have a yo-yo and are playing, and chewing gum, and cracking jokes. But they’re interacting. As long as you’re a good presenter, your Yellows, they’re cracking jokes. They’re making fun, and they’re complimenting you because they’re outgoing. They’re like, “Oh, I love this school. This is so cool.” They often will sell for you, and they’re not even employed there. They don’t even work there. They’re Kramer. Cosmo Kramer. They’re just sitting there cracking jokes. They’re just like, “I don’t even work here, but this place is great. I love it. Terrific presentation.” That’s a Yellow. Use your yellows. When you go on group tours, use your Yellows.
Listen, I have one minute left. Chris, will you come in really fast with me? Christopher? Calling all Christophers. Oh, he’s there. Here he is. Oh, he can give the shocked look. Listen, I promised Stephanie I would not go over. I could. I want everybody. Anybody that wants to see my mastermind on the 28th. We’d love to have you on validation. Anybody that loved this session, come into my end of May. Please come into this training. We’ll get you pricing. We’ll show you how it works. We’ll interact. We’ll take a test on what color you are. We’ll tell you how to interact with each other. It’s going to be lots of fun, so come to my training. That’s my self-promotion. Chris was that too much?
No, we want more. Listen. What’s the best way for people to get ahold of you? Email, website, let us know.
Yes, email that crystal at sales com, and this is my website. Wow. Look at that. When I close it, you’ll see sales com. Self-promotion over, I swear.