How To Start a Pinterest Account For Your Business

Pinterest’s rise in the social networking business grew in only a matter of months, making it in the top 10 social networks. Not only has its rise been fascinating to watch, but the ability to drive traffic to websites has made it an important new opportunity.

Starting your Pinterest business account can be done in a matter of minutes. With these easy and simple steps you are one step closer to brand awareness:

  1. Create your Pinterest account using an e-mail that you are able to keep track of
  2. Verify website
  3. Include a great image (ie logo) for the profile, as well as a short message about your business
  4. Link social profiles, like Twitter and Google +, to Pinterest profile
  5. Know your audience and connect with Pinterest users with similar and interesting content
  6. Create boards (ie product boards)
  7. Pin images and content relating to your company (ie products onto a product board)

a. Bright and big images tend to gather more attention

8. Stay consistent

a. Spending even 15 minutes a day pinning relative content will draw attention further attention to your business

Pinterest will not only help raise brand awareness and products, but SEO as well. It has slowly indexed and now shows on Google’s first page, increasing interest among companies and individuals alike. Compared to most social channels where content lasts a mere few hours, Pinterest content can last up to one full week–giving your audience a higher and longer chance of finding what they are looking for.

Dajana Perkovic Nov 26 2014
Categories: Customers | Leads | Social Media
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