GOOD vs. GREAT Social Media for Beauty Professionals

Social media has been a game changer for beauty professionals trying to grow their book of business! Having said that, there is a lot of social noise out there, and if you can learn the difference between a GOOD social media strategy, and a GREAT one, you will stand out, and most certainly gain more clients!

How to be GOOD at social media when it comes to attracting new business for a beauty professional

“Most beauty professionals who do this, attract more business.”

Talk about yourself! If you’re a cosmetologist, esthetician, makeup artist, or even a nail technician, you need to be using social media to put yourself out there. Most beauty professionals who do this attract new business. Take this beauty school student who talked about herself, used a great photo, and attracted new business from Instagram.
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I read the comment about getting her baby girl in for a cut as, “Hey, I like you, and want to give you some of my money!” This student would not have attracted new business for herself if she didn’t talk about herself on social media. Good beauty professionals need to be doing this, but how can you do better, you may ask?

How to be GREAT at social media when it comes to attracting new business for a beauty professional

“It’s so much more important these days what other people say about you, than what you say about yourself.”

A beauty professional’s best social media strategy is to get their clients talking about them! This is free, effective marketing! It’s so much more important these days what other people say about you, than what you say about yourself. One of the best ways to get your clients to do your marketing for you on social media is to get online reviews. The numbers we see with our salon professionals, and schools are staggering when it comes to attracting new business from the Internet when their clients help them build their reputations online through reviews. Check out the increase in phone calls this one salon got when they started paying attention to their website, and online reputation:
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A beauty professional should always be trying to reach the family members, and friends of their current clients, and the best way to do that is to get your clients to talk about you. When your client talks about you, they’re really just referring their entire social network your way. Take a look at this client who gave a great shout out to her hair hairstylists on Instagram, and the conversation that followed:
Social media has changed the hustle game for beauty professionals. These types of posts can naturally happen, but if a beauty professional were to ask their clients to do this for them, they’ll most definitely be working smarter and getting paid more to do it. Don’t be afraid to ask your clients for help. They love you, and want to help you! If this is your mindset and social media strategy, you’ll start to book more appointments and make more money!

How have you used social media to attract more business? We’d love to hear in the comments below!

Chris Linford May 04 2016
Categories: Social Media
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